Lowongan Fakulas Ekonomi UGM – The Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta was founded on September 19, 1955 by Decree No. 53759/Kab from the Ministry of Cultural and Educational. In its early years, the Faculty of Economics was a division of the Faculty of Law, Economics, Social Studies, and Politics. It was the third state-owned faculty of economics during that periods. The first was the Faculty of Economics in Makassar (Ujung Pandang) of the University of Indonesia that was founded on October 8, 1948, later known as the Faculty of Economics at Hasanudin University. The second was the Faculty of Economics at the University of Indonesia that was founded on January 15, 1951. Between 1952 and 1956, the economics “department” in Yogyakarta was upgraded to a “division” of the Faculty of Law, Economics, Social Studies, and Politics in accordance with Ministry of Cultural and Educational Decree No. 29512/Kab.
Starting in the academic year 1955/1956 the Faculty was divided into three: Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, and Faculty of Social Studies and Politics. The three faculties initially operated at the Sultan’s Palace Hall in Yogyakarta. In 1958, the Faculty of Economics moved to Bulaksumur, occupying a part of Gadjah Mada University Administration Center Building. Then in January 1989, it moved again to a new building at Humaniora Street, Bulaksumur and operates there to this today.
Seeking to meet its international goals, the Faculty changed its name to the Faculty of Economics and Business in 2007. More in keeping with internationally accepted terminology, the change avoids confusion between the name of the Faculty, its programs of study or the departments that exist within the Faculty. The name change was made by a Decree of the Rector of the Universitas Gadjah Mada, No.262/P/SK/HT/2007, dated August 27, 2007.
The Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Gadjah Mada was established in 1955, as a result of the reorganization of the university’s Faculty of Law, Economics, Social Studies and Politics. Currently, the Faculty has about 5,500 students and 200 lecturers and faculty members.
As the first master program of applied economics in Indonesia , Master in Development Economics Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada ( UGM MEP ) consistently committed to clean governance and good ( clean government and good corporate governance ) . Mainstreaming governance ( governance ) at the local , national and international demand availability of personnel who are not only clean and respectable character , but the figure of the authentic leader of innovative membeberikan excellent service to the community . So since 19 years ago , the MEP Faculty providing educational programs that excel master of applied economics and foremost , is supported by research and evidence -based community service .
Faculty MEP academic community , supported by a network of 3522 alumni and strategic partners at home and abroad will remain wholeheartedly committed to the development (committed to development ) . The determination is realized in 5 main strategies , namely the development of the academic excellence ( academic excellence ) , an increase in soft skills of students , internationalization by lifting local uniqueness , optimizing networks ( networking ) and MEP Faculty governance is good . This is in line with the vision to become MEP Faculty Graduate courses in South East Asia which contributed intellectually through teaching and research activities in the field of applied economics for the welfare of the community .
Lowongan Kerja UGM di Program Master Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The Master Program in Development Economics Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada invites a young and dynamic candidate to fill a position of :
Assistant Secretary
who is also in charged for the international program
- Female, single, max. 30 years old
- Min. D3 Degree from reputable university with min. GPA 3.00
- Fluent in English both writing and speaking. Attaching TOEFL score form will be preferrable
Sites Reference
- http://mep.ugm.ac.id
Submit Application
Please submit your application consist of CV with photo attached, copy of certificate and transcript via e-mail to :
[email protected] before 24 february 2014
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
Lowongan Kerja Fakultas Ekonomi UGM persembahan www.pusatinfocpns.com