Lowongan Krakatau Posco Energy (KPE)

Krakatau Posco EnergyLowongan Krakatau Posco Energy – PT Krakatau Posco Energy (KPE) adalah joint venture company antara PT Krakatau Daya Listrik (Krakatau Steel Group) dan Posco Energy (Posco Group). Saat ini, PT KPE sedang membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga uap berkapasitas 2 x 100 MW sejak September 2011. Pembangkit listrik ini berlokasi di Kawasan Industri Krakatau, Cilegon.

Energi listrik yang dihasilkan akan disalurkan untuk Integrated Steel Mill (ISM) Krakatau Posco. ISM sendiri membutuhkan energi listrik kurang lebih sebanyak 200 MW untuk proses produksinya. Dalam pengoperasiannya, KPE memanfaatkan off-gas dari Blast Furnace di ISM sebagai bahan bakar utama.

KPE adalah perusahaan energi yang ramah lingkungan karena menggunakan off-gas dari ISM Krakatau Posco, dimana biasanya gas-gas tersebut dibuang begitu saja, tetapi oleh KPE justru dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar. Dengan demikian, KPE juga ikut berpartisipasi dalam pengurangan emisi gas CO2 di udara dan mematuhi prinsip Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

Kontak KPE

Krakatau Posco Energy
Jl. Afrika No. 2
Kawasan Industri Krakatau
Cilegon – Banten – 42443
Telp: +62-254-2578666
Fax: +62-254-2578555
E-mail: [email protected]

Lowongan Kerja PT Krakatau Posco Energy

PT. Krakatau Posco Energy are looking for graduates who willing to learn, build to trust with open mind, work hard ans smart to be a :

  • Finance Staff

Job Description

Requirements :

  • Male/Female, not older than 35 years of age on April 2018.
  • Minimum Diploma (D3) or Bachelor (S1) degree, majoring in Accounting, Tax, Finance.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00 (scale 4.00).
  • The candidates with prior experience for minimum 2 years in tax/finance is preferred.
  • Possess certification in TOEFL with minimum score of 500.
  • Able to operate computer minimum Microsoft Office.
  • Possess certification in related field (tax brevet A/B) is preferred.
  • Good personality, high integrity, high discipline, hard working, diligent, creative, initiative and able to interact with other teams effectively.
  • Work Location : Kawasan Industri Krakatau, Cilegon, Banten

Required application documents :

  1. Curriculum Vitae/CV (download format CV here)
  2. Scan of legalized diploma
  3. Scan of legalized Transcript
  4. Scan of Indonesia ID Card (KTP)
  5. Scan of TOEFL Certificate
  6. Scan of Working Experience Certificates
  7. Scan of Training and other related Certificates
  8. Color Photographs.

Sites Reference

  1. www.posco.net

Submit Application

Should you are interested and qualified, please send all required application documents above (in 1 file PDF with maximum size 3 MB) not later than 24 April 2018 to :

[email protected]

Notes :

  • Please write email subject “FIN18_Position_Name_Related Experience Period”, for example : FIN18_Finance Staff_Chairil Anwar_2 Years Accounting Staff.
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.
  • Source

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