Lowongan Kerja BUMN Asei Re Seleksi UI – PT Asei Reasuransi Indonesia (Persero) or PT. ASURANSI EKSPOR INDONESIA (Persero) – ASEI RE is a State Owned Enterprise (BUMN) is engaged in the insurance field.
The establishment of this company stems from efforts to boost non-oil exports. The company was founded in 1985 by the Government of Indonesia based on Government Regulation no. 20, 1983. ASEI engaged in insurance and guarantees to support the development of a national non-oil exports.
ASEI have special products to cover the risks covered by exporters and banks, namely the risk of failure of payment of export, both repayment of export credits extended to exporters bank (Credit Insurance) payment transactions and export of foreign importer to the exporter (Export Insurance).
In an effort to boost non-oil exports, in 1985 the Government of Indonesia established PT. EXPORT INSURANCE INDONESIA (Persero) or so-called ASEI engaged in insurance and guarantees to support the development of non-oil exports under Government Regulation No. nationwide. 20, 1983.
In contrast to other general insurance agency, ASEI have special products that cover risks are borne by exporters and banks, namely the risk of failure of payment of export, both repayment of export credits extended to exporters banks (export credit insurance) and payment of export transactions from foreign importers to exporters (export insurance).
Export Insurance program development efforts are based on the consideration that the development and improvement of exports can be encouraged by the development of the use of various means of payment (terms of payment) are commonly applicable in the world of international trade, so not only in the use of Sight L / C only.
On the other hand the existence of export activities undertaken by the middle class and small exporters to non-traditional goods heading to countries with a high risk, as well as the increasing competition in the world market has changed from a seller’s market (seller?’s Market) market to a buyer (buyer’s market) so that the sale by way of loan payments become increasingly important in winning the sale.
Role ASEI expected to increase exports of non-oil exports through the provision of insurance facilities for exporters to overcome the export payment risk and to encourage Indonesian exporters to penetrate new international markets, as well as credit insurance facility for banks to encourage banks to increase lending to the real sector, including exporters .
Along with the developments and changes in the business environment in an effort to better support our customers to conduct business especially in the field of domestic and international trade is highly competitive, ASEI modification and diversification of its products in the class of business Export Insurance, Credit Insurance and Guarantee Credit, Suretyship and Insurance general is expected to support the efforts of these customers ASEI.
Contact Asei re
Menara Kadin Indonesia Building, 22nd Floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Block X-5 Kav. 2-3
Jakarta – 12950 INDONESIA
Telp : 62 21 5790 3535
Fax : 62 21 5790 4031, 5790 4032
E-mail : [email protected]
Saran dan Informasi: [email protected]
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