Lowongan Kerja Kimia Farma Seleksi UI – PT. Kimia Farma Tbk is a multinational company that is producing and distributing pharmacy. PT Kimia Farma Tbk is rooted in Jakarta, Indonesia. History of Kimia Farma (KF) began around 1957, when the takeover of the Dutch-owned company engaged in the field of pharmacy by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Companies that experienced the nationalization include N. V. Pharmaceutische Svereneging J. Hendel Van Gorkom & Co., (Jakarta), N. V. Handle Chemicalier Rathcamp & Co., (Jakarta), N. V. Bandoengsche quinine Fabriek, (Bandung), N. V. Jodium Onderneming Watoedakon (Mojokerto) and N. V. Verband Stoffe Fabriek (Surakarta).
Under Law. 86 In 1956, the Indonesian government nationalized the Dutch pharmaceutical company and according to Government Regulation no. 69 in 1968 its status was changed to the State Pharmaceutical Company (PNF). State Pharmaceutical companies are PNF Radja Farma (Jakarta), PNF Conscience Farma (Jakarta), PNF Nakula Farma (Jakarta), PNF Bio Farma, State Enterprise (PN) Bhineka Kina Farma (Bandung), PN Sari Husada (Yogyakarta) and PN Pharmaceuticals and medical devices Kasa Husada (Surabaya).
On 23 January 1969, based on PP. 3 In 1969 the company – the company is merged into PNF Bhineka Kimia Farma with the law enforcement and simplification of state enterprises. Furthermore, on August 16, 1971, the State Pharmaceutical companies are experiencing a transition Kimia Farma legal form into State Owned status as a Limited Liability Company, thus further into PT. Kimia Farma (Persero).
In 1998, ASEAN economic crisis that resulted in the state budget and the budgets defist experiencing growing national debt. To reduce the burden of debt, the government issued a policy of privatization. Based on the Letter of Minister of State for Investment and Development of State-. S-59/M-PM.BUMN/2000 dated 7 March 2000, PT. Kimia Farma privatized.
To be able to manage the company more focused and growing rapidly, the directors of PT. Kimia Farma (Limited) established two subsidiaries on the 4th of January 2002, PT. Pharmacy and PT Kimia Farma. Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution. On July 4, 2002 PT. Kimia Farma Tbk. officially listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) and the Surabaya Stock Exchange (BES) as a public company and changed its name to PT. Kimia Farma (Persero), Tbk.
Contact Kimia Farma Kantor Pusat
Jl. Veteran No. 9 Jakarta 10110 Telp. (62-21) – 3847709
Fax. (62-21) – 3814441
e-mail :[email protected]
Website : http://www.kimiafarma.co.id
Lowongan Kerja BUMN di PT Kimia Farma (Persero)
PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk is looking for experienced highly competent and self motivated profesionals to fill the following position :
Job Description
Requirements :
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please come and bring your application letter, CV, latest colour photo and supporting documents to :
Psychotes and Interview
Monday, 1 agustus 2016, 09.00 – End
At Faculty of Pharmacy Indonesia University Jakarta
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