Lowongan PT. Surya Energi Indotama (PT Len Industri Grup)

Lowongan PT. Surya Energi IndotamaLowongan PT. Surya Energi Indotama – PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) dibangun sejak tahun 2009. SEI merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT Len Industri yang berfokus pada pengembangan energi terbarukan. Sebagai perusahaan EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction), SEI menyediakan sistem solusi total dalam bidang energi terbarukan.

Fokus SEI sejauh ini adalah energi terbarukan tenaga surya namun kedepannya kami berharap untuk mengembangkan sumber-sumber energi terbarukan lainnya, seperti angin, air, biomassa, dan panas bumi.

Surya Energi Indotama menjunjung nilai pengalaman untuk menyediakan hanya yang terbaik, didukung oleh lebih dari 50 tenaga ahli, SEI telah menangani ribuan proyek energi terbarukan dari pemerintah maupun swasta yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, bahkan untuk pulau-pulau terluar, terjauh maupun terisolasi.

Lowongan PT. Surya Energi Indotama (PT Len Industri Group)

PT. Surya Energi Indotama sedang membutuhkan calon pegawai baru guna mengisi posisi strategis sebagai berikut :

  1. Eksekutif Penjualan
  2. Eksekutif Pemasaran & Pengembangan Bisnis
  3. Junior Electrical Engineer
  4. Civil Structure
  5. Estimator Mechanical Electrical
  6. Staff Pajak
  7. Staff Akuntansi
  8. Project Manager
  9. Project Management Officer

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

1. Eksekutif Penjualan

Requirements :

  • Diutamakan berpengalaman dibidang yang sama minimal 3 tahun
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan pendekatan personal
  • Deadline: 21 Feb 2020

2. Eksekutif Pemasaran & Pengembangan Bisnis

Requirements :

  • Diutamakan berpengalaman dibidang yang sama minimal 1 tahun
  • Diutamakan jurusan Teknik Industri, Bisnis Manajemen dan jurusan sejenis
  • Deadline: 21 Feb 2020

3. Junior Electrical Engineer

Requirements :

  • Minimum Diploma’s Degree in Electrical Engineering
  • At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the same position or of working experience in EPC company
  • Able to speak in English
  • Have capability to software AutoCAD
  • Experience in detailing the material Take Off Electrical Component
  • Deadline: 21 Feb 2020

4. Civil Structure

Requirements :

  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering
  • Minimum 3 years work Experience
  • Must be an recognized Degree in any branch of Engineering but preferably Civil Engineering
  • Must be conversant with International Indonesian and Company Statutory regulation and spesificationsor codes and procedures
  • Must be able to work independently
  • Must be computerliterate-familiar
  • To have excellent command of English languange (Written and verbal)
  • Have capability to operate structure (STAAD Pro) and CAD will be an advantages
  • Willing to travel to projects sites if required for a predetermined perod of time
  • Experienced in detailing the material Take off Civil Structure
  • Deadline: 21 Feb 2020

5. Estimator Mechanical Electrical

Requirements :

  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
  • Minimum 3 years work experience as Mechanical & Electrical Engineer in construction company
  • Experience in supervises of installation
  • Responsible for mechanical & electrical design
  • Able to prepare working drawings
  • Able to over viewing installation
  • Able to prepare budget associated with mechanical & electrical aspect
  • Good communication in English & Indonesian
  • Good coordination and attitude to both team and client
  • Willing to travel to site project
  • Deadline: 21 Feb 2020

6. Staff Pajak

Requirements :

  • Lulusan D3/S1 Akuntansi/Pajak
  • IPK minimal 3,00
  • Menguasai Ms. Office dan Sejenisnya
  • Pria
  • Komunikatif, teliti, mampu bekerja secara individu dan tim
  • Memiliki sertfikat Brevet A & B
  • Deadline: 19 Feb 2020

7. Staff Akuntansi

Requirements :

  • Lulusan D3/S1 Akuntansi/Pajak
  • IPK minimal 3,00
  • Menguasai Ms. Office dan Sejenisnya
  • Wanita
  • Komunikatif, teliti, mampu bekerja secara individu dan tim
  • Dealine: 19 Feb 2020

8. Project Manager

Requirements :

  • Candidates must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
  • Min. 30 years old
  • At least 3-5 year (s) of working experience in the same position or of working experience in EPC company
  • Required skill (s) : Project Managament
  • To be assigned to out of town
  • Highly developed leadership and motivation skills
  • Highly developed interpersonal and negotiation skills.
  • Solid public personal and ability to confidently represent the company.
  • Demonstrated high levels of oral and written communication skills.
  • Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm.
  • This is a permanent role and the candidate must be willing to be based in Bandung.
  • Deadline: 21 Feb 2020

9. Project Management Officer

Requirements :

  • Candidates must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, Preferred from Industrial Engineering.
  • Experience managing the whole process of EPCC projects.
  • Proven project management skills, with sophisticated understanding of scope, schedule, cost, quality, resource, and deliverable management.
  • High Level of Organization and Scheduling Abilities.
  • Demonstrated financial acumen.
  • Ability to charter and lead a highly interdependent team of individual contributors.
  • Strong computer skills, MS Office – Word, Excel, Access.
  • Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills able to manage priorities and workflow.
  • Good judgment with the ability to make timely and sound decisions.
  • This is a permanent role and the candidate must be willing to be based in Bandung
  • Deadline: 21 Feb 2020

Persyaratan Umum :

  • Lulusan S1 Semua Jurusan (Diutamakan Teknik)
  • Memiliki keinginan bekerja dibidang Renewable Energy
  • Bersedia ditugaskan diseluruh Indonesia
  • Sanggup bekerja dibawah tekanan dan sesuai target
  • Mampu bekerja secara individu dan tim

Situs Referensi

  1. www.suryaenergi.com

Tata Cara Pendaftaran

Apabila Anda tertarik dan merasa sanggup memenuhi persyaratan, silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara online dengan membuka tautan berikut ini :

Ketentuan Umum :

  • Hanya kandidat terbaik yang akan diudang untuk mengikuti tahapan seleksi lebih lanjut
  • Seluruh tahapan dalam proses rekrutmen PT Surya Energi Indotama ini tidak dipungut biaya apa pun
  • Sumber Informasi

Info Lowongan PT. Surya Energi Indotama dikabarkan secara online oleh Pusat Info CPNS