Lowongan PT Aneka Tambang – PT Aneka Tambang – ANTAM is a vertically integrated, export-oriented, diversified mining and metals company. With operations spread throughout the mineral-rich Indonesian archipelago, ANTAM undertakes all activities from exploration, excavation, processing through to marketing of nickel ore, ferronickel, gold, silver, bauxite and coal. The company has long term loyal blue chip customers in Europe and Asia. Due to the vastness of the company’s licensed exploration areas as well as its known large holdings of high quality reserves and resources, ANTAM has formed several joint ventures with international partners to profitably develop geological ore bodies into profitable mines.
The company generates healthy cash flows, and has prudent capital management. The company became a limited liability state-controlled company in 1968 with the merger of several single commodity mining companies. In 1997, the company conducted an initial public offering (IPO) and listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and 35% were sold by the government to the public, to raise money for a ferronickel expansion. In 1999, ANTAM listed its shares in Australia as a foreign exempt entity and then in 2002 augmented its status to the more stringent ASX Listing.
As a mining company, ANTAM realizes its operations have a direct impact on the surrounding environment and nearby communities. Environmental sustainability and community development are not viewed merely as being socially responsible, but also as risk management. The characteristic of mining in Indonesia is that it plays a big role in the development of remote areas and so given the mine’s large role in community development it is crucial to operate not as an outsider but as a member of the community and a good corporate citizen and thereby reduce the likelihood of business interruptions. ANTAM believes environmental sustainability and proactive community development are necessary to successfully operate a mine. Serious attention to natural conservation efforts and proactive participation in community development are one of the keys to successful mining activities.
Contact PT Antam
PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk
Gedung Aneka Tambang
Jl. Letjen TB Simatupang No. 1 Lingkar Selatan, Tanjung Barat
Jakarta 12530,
Tel. : (62-21) 789 1234, 781 2635
Fax. : (62-21) 789 1224
Email: corsec@antam.com
PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk – ANTAM invites qualified candidates to fulfill the position in Lowongan PT Aneka Tambang as follows :
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Persyaratan Umum :
- Pendidikan S1 usia maksimal 25 tahun dan S2 usia maksimal 27 tahun
- IPK minimal 3.00 (skala 4)
- Skor TOEFL minimal 500/ TOEIC minimal 605 / IELTS minimal 5.5
- Program studi terakreditasi minimal B
- Dapat berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
- Innovative, memiliki integritas dan berkomitmen tinggi
- Sehat jasmani rohani dan tidak buta warna
- Berkelakuan baik dan bebas dari narkoba
- Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh unit bisnis dan anak perusahaan PT Antam Tbk
Lulusan S1 jurusan:
- Akuntansi
- Manajemen Keuangan / Manajemen Bisnis / Marketing Bisnis / Manajemen Pemasaran
- Teknik Geodesi
- Teknik Geologi
- Teknik Pertambangan
- Teknik Metalurgi
- Teknik Mesin
- Teknik Sipil
- Teknik Elektro
- Teknik Industri
- Teknik Informatika / sistem informasi
- Ilmu Politik/ Ilmu Pemerintahan /Administrasi Publik
- Psikologi
Proses seleksi :
- Seleksi administrasi
- Tes online
- Video screning
- Psikotes
- Wawancara
- Tes kesehatan dan tes bahasa Inggris
Persyaratan Berkas Lamaran :
- Pass Photo 3×4 berwarna
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) terbaru
- Ijazah
- Transkrip nilai
- Sertifikat kemampuan Bahasa Inggris
- Sertifikat penghargaan/pelatihan (apabila ada)
Situs Referensi
- www.antam.com
Tata Cara Pendaftaran
Apabila Anda tertarik dan sanggup memenuhi persyaratan, silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara online dengan membuka tautan berikut ini :
Ketentuan Umum :
- Pendaftaran dibuka sampai dengan tanggal 29 September 2019 pukul 23:59 WIB.
- PT ANTAM Tbk memiliki hak penuh untuk memutuskan dan memilih kandidat terbaik sesuai dengan kebutuhan pada setiap tahap dan keputusan tersebut tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
- Pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan administrasi akan diumumkan melalui situs web www.antam.com atau dihubungi melalui email resmi: rekrutmen [at] antam.com dan bukan dari alamat email lain.
- Waspadalah! Seluruh proses perekrutan tidak dikenai biaya, termasuk tidak menggunakan skema penggantian biaya perjalanan dan akomodasi. Semua biaya pribadi (jika ada) ditanggung oleh pelamar.
- Sumber Informasi
Info Lowongan PT Aneka Tambang dikabarkan secara online oleh Pusat Info CPNS.